Our Unique SEO Strategy - Expert SEO Freelancer

                Our Unique SEO Strategy 

“ We Strictly Believe in White Hat SEO- Ethical way of SEO will only Bring Original Traffic to Website.”      

As all we know Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into Two Parts like 
·       On-page Optimizations-20%,
·       Off - page Optimization-80%

On-Page check list :

  •         Canonicalization  
  •         Title Tag,
  •          Meta keywords,
  •         Meta description
  •          Header 1, H2, H3 etc
  •          Sitemap.xml
  •         Robots txt
  •         Language meta Tag
  •          Encoding Declaration Tag
  •          Google Analytics
  •         Web master Tools
  •         Image and ALT Tag review
  •          W3C Validation Errors
  •         WWW Reslove - .Httaccess.
  •          Favicon
  •          404 Error Custom page
  •          Meta Language Tag – Multilingual Tag.

First Step we have to verify with above Specifications, when it is ready with 100% above then we have to start the below Strategy

Off Page Optimization – Link Building.
  •          Search Engine Submissions
  •          Press Release Submissions
  •          Web Directories Submissions
  •          Article Submissions
  •          Web 2.0 like Blogger, word press, Blog, weebly etc
  •          Social Book markings
  •          Classifieds submissions
  •          Blog Commenting
  •          Yahoo answers
  •          Forum postings
  •          Document sharing
  •          Image Optimization
  •          Video optimization etc
  •          Google Local Business and places submissions.

Team Work – split the work

We are Group of individual SEO Specialist : Nandan Off page Optimization Expert, Shalini On-page Optimization Expert and Raushan, Nitish (Link Builders). we have a team who expert in Particular Areas Like article submission, directories submissions and social book marking submissions etc.  

So I will be taking care of Entire On-page Optimization part, when its done fully then I will share Off-page optimization – Link Building part to my Team according to their skills. I use to guide them on daily basis and I will be assigning the work by giving unique content, targeted keywords and Source sites.

For all the customers at the end of the day what matters to them is Google search page rank of website for a particular key word and Slight increment in Traffic. I hope you would agree to this

Will Follow Below Strategy 

I am taking first step as  an SEO is to make the website easier for users and search engine SEO Responsibilities crawlers to access and navigate.  As easy the website to crawl and navigate will make it much simpler job for search engines to index the website. Like where social media has to be, where request Quote has to be etc Only minor changes.

Analysis on Potential Keywords and Setting Targets
As you know This is the backbone of all the tasks that will be defined ahead because keywords will be the foundation of all the roles that will be put in place by an SEO Freelancing.  So a complete research regarding, local search, global search, competition, CPC rate, competitors etc is a must i feel so am taking it as my 2nd Step in Strategy.

Establishing Strategy for Content
As it is undoubtedly believed “Content is King” and  so it’s time for the queen (SEO)to come in action and develop practicality and strategy for how to utilize the company’s SEO and content resources to produce useful, quality based, relevant. Google consider Only Unique content, if its copied from any other site it consider as SPAM. So creating the content is main Task.

Link Building Creativity
As An SEO Freelancer Bangalore am always conducting an investigation SEO Link Building Strategy regarding ways  for effective link building, tracking the links which are beneficial and obtaining more link building strategies to get good back links. By using Alexa and Backlinkwatch etc.

Research on New Procedures
It is a must to as an SEO Freelancer to keep on researching for the latest SEO techniques or features that may help in driving traffic or help in getting quick ranks in top SERPs.

Optimizing for Local Business listings and Maps
Local Business Listing is very Good strategy which can effect in short time. If your target audience is Local then this is the best option to choose.

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